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This blog post is part of a series called “Tip of the Week”. This week's tip will review options regarding adding new documents.

Documents. Order, delivery, invoice… purchasing or sales… every business generates lots of documents every day, and some users are creating documents all day! Many times after adding a document, you want to take another look and review it. Just in case. You can either click the "Previous Record" button and hope that not too many documents were added by other users in parallel, or search for it … in a nutshell – you have to work for it… In order to save you time and increase usability and productivity SAP Business One introduces new options for adding sales and purchasing documents:
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The "Add" button provides three options: "Add & New" same behavior as the "Add" button - adds the document and displays the window in an Add mode for creating additional document; "Add & View" - adds the document and displays it so you can review it once more, and "Add & Close" - adds the document and closes the window afterwards. Your last choice will appear as default the next time you open that document.

Available in SAP Business One 10.0 PL01 and SAP Business One 10.0, version for SAP HANA PL01.

I hope you found this information helpful and as always, I’m looking forward to your feedback in the comments section below. If you do have questions about SAP Business One, feel free to ask them here in SAP Community Q&A. This tip and all other tips can be found in the tag #tipoftheweek. To receive notifications about new related blog posts, please follow my profile and #communications. Also, check out our SAP Business One Community page with lots of helpful links and resources.
0 Kudos

We are using this in P10.0 PL02 and this is not working as expected.

Add&view switches to the highest DocNum and not to the highest DocEntry (which is the one we just added).

So we still have to use the Boyum option for this.
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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dear bas2020 ,

thank you for your comment.

could you please provide more detailed scenario?

If preferred you may contact me via mail: maya.shiff@sap.com


0 Kudos

We've recently noticed that the 'Add & View' button doesn't work when adding documents that require approval. In this scenario, the user receives the error 'No matching records found', which makes sense as the document has been added a draft, however this causes confusion for the users.

I've tested this on the latest feature pack (FP 2011) and still have the same problem. Are there any plans to make this more user friendly in the future?


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hi Kelton,

Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention. We will consider enhancing this behavior in a future version.

Best regards,

0 Kudos

I would like to set by default Save & View and not Save and New ? So that when I save by keying ENTER, it automatically shows the saved document.


Thank you,

Jean-Julien Guyomar
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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hi Jean-Julien,

thank you for your comment.

All you have to do, is choose the "Add & View" option once by the mouse and the next time you want to create another document of the same type, the button will be set by default to "Add & View" so pressing the ENTER key would perform the "Add & View" operation.



0 Kudos
Hello Maya,

thank you very much for your answer.
0 Kudos

As mention in 1st comment we experience the same issue with PL02, It's not working as expected when you have multiple document number series.

Simple example :

Sales order (SO)

Document series A if we have range of 100 to 499  and next number is 110

Document series B if we have range of 500 to 999 and next number is 555

So we create SO using Series A which is document number 110 but with this add & view once we add the SO it shows 554 SO not the 110 newly added one. It look like simply it try to show last document without considering the document series .

Not sure is this has been corrected on new Patch or feature pack level.

0 Kudos

As mention in 1st comment we experience the same issue with PL02, It's not working as expected when you have multiple document number series.

Simple example :

Sales order (SO)

Document series A if we have range of 100 to 499 and next number is 110

Document series B if we have range of 500 to 999 and next number is 555

So we create SO using Series A which is document number 110 but with this add & view once we add the SO it shows 554 SO not the 110 newly added one. It look like simply it try to show last document without considering the document series .

Not sure is this has been corrected on new Patch or feature pack level.
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hi Prageeth,

thank you for your comment. This issue is fixed in FP2008. You may find scenario and details in this SAP Note:

2926380 - System Does Not Display Sales Order You Just Added When You Choose Option Add & View

best regards,

0 Kudos
Thanks Maya !!
0 Kudos
Hi Maya,


Is the standard behaviour to reset the defaults once you have logged  off? Currently if i choose add and view it remembers this until i log off, when logging in again this sets back to add and new. Is there any defaults for this per document?
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
hi Ross,

Tested now in FP 2011 version for SAP HANA in few documents - default is saved also after logging off.

could you please indicate which version you are using and in which documents the default is reset? does it happen for all users or just specific ones?

thanks and regards,
