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A client of mine was looking to monitor a group of employees who were on annualised hours contracts. They wanted to ensure that they completed the annual hours, including overtime, which their contact and salary reflected.

As there is nothing standard in SAP Time Management for this I had to think out of the box. I don’t do ABAP so a bespoke solution was out of the question.

The answer, in the end, was deceptively simple and a little left field, which I like. I proposed holding the annual regular hours, the annual overtime hours and the annual total hours as IT2007 Attendance Quota records. The annualised hours records running from the first Monday in April until the day before the first Monday in April for the following year.

A couple of Personnel Calculation Rules (PCR) were created to increase the quota deduction value for each of the attendance quota types based on the hours worked. The rules were provided by the client and included what absence types would count towards the regular hours.

The client also wanted a method to report on a weekly basis whether an employee was on target to meet the contractual hours. A SAP adhoc query was created to output the three attendance quota types with the quota number and deduction values.

The result of the ad-hoc query was downloaded to Excel where a macro would be run to calculate, based on the number of weeks of the year already worked, whether the employee was over their target hours, on target, or under target.

This would allow an employee’s manager to adjust the employee’s workload for the forthcoming period to either reduce/keep the standard/increase their hours as appropriate.

There were different annual contractual hours available and the employee was able to choose which contract to sign up for.

If an employee did exceed their contractual hours, and this was unavoidable, then they would get approved paid overtime.

The annualised hours contracts were also visible to the line manager via Time Managers Workplace.

  Want to find out more? Please contact me at steve.williams@epiuse.com

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